Why should I attend this course?

If you wish to work in any commercial or Industrial environment it is very important that you can work on Programmable Logic controllers as this technology is an integral part of the electrical installations in these environments. Secondly if you wish to apply for any position in these environments the job requirements will be for [...]

2016-01-05T14:08:33+02:00January 5th, 2016|

Why should I attend this course at Renkalec Training Centre?

Renkalec Training Centre is a MERSETA accredited provider for this training and the course will result in you achieving a certificate of competence with your name recorded on the national data base. The courses are offered at our venue or on your site with the required equipment for all the practical work at hand. The [...]

2016-01-05T13:30:26+02:00January 5th, 2016|
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