Electrical Trade Test Preparation – Full Time

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    Booking registration

    NOTE: Compulsory fields are marked with an asterisc (*)in die field labels

    Course Details

    Note: For the following two drop-downs, please select the Course Name and Date as displayed on the page

    Select Course*:

    Start Date* as displayed on this page:

    DATE Notes:

    If you are still using the old Retired (on pension) and abandoned Internet Explorer (IE), please type the date format as yyyy-mm-dd.

    On Microsoft Edge, please use the 3-column vertical scroll bars (that pops up) to select Day, Month and Year, respectively.

    On Google Chrome or Opera, please use the dropdown arrow(s) on the right.

    On Firefox, a mini calendar will pop up. Simply scroll to and select the date.

    Personal Details

    Last Name (Surname)*:

    First Names*:

    ID Number*:


    Street Address*:

    Postal Code*:

    Tel. Cell:

    Tel. Alternative:

    Preferred Contact Number*:

    Your Email address (required):

    Comments / Special Needs (optional):


    By checking this checkbox, I, the applicant, declare that the information provided above is accurate and true. I also agree to the Cancellation fee policy as stipulated below.

    Note: You will be unable to submit the form without checking this ckeckbox

    Renkalec Banking Details

    Account Name: Renkalec Training Centre cc

    Account No: 4067419654

    Bank: ABSA

    Please use name and surname as reference!!

    Cancellation-fee policy:

    60-45 days and more prior to starting date – 20% cancellation fee applicable on total amount paid.

    45-31 days before starting date – 30% cancellation fee applicable on total amount paid.

    30-15 days before starting date – 50% cancellation fee applicable on total amount paid.

    14 days or less – 100% cancellation fee applicable.


    Note: You will receive a carbon copy of this email.

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